Captive8’s mandate is to educate and inspire a deeper level of greatness. Specializing in the beauty industry, Captive8 has developed a unique platform that helps the growth of businesses as well as personal professional growth. Through Business coaching and intimate workshops, Captive8 is an engaging transformative experience. Creative Direction Branding Brand Identity Brand Positioning Visual […]

BROOD was first in the market to patent a tankless nitro infusion system, and that vision has solidified them as the frontrunner of nitro technology. They don’t simply see BROOD as equipment—it represents opportunity. Opportunity to diversify their client’s menu, expand their business, skyrocket revenue, and delight customers over and over again. This innovation completely […]

An internationally recognized hair school with 4 locations across the country – Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg and Toronto. The institutes offer training for the next generation of hair stylists, colourists, salon owners, and beauty professionals. Design Direction Campaign Creation Marketing Strategy Brand Identity Web Design Art Direction Environmental Design ALL WORK

Since its inception in 1978, Aveda has become synonymous with beauty, wellness, environmental responsibility, fashion, and art. Founded by the visionary Horst Rechelbacher, Aveda’s legacy continues to flourish as it embraces a holistic approach to beauty and prioritizes sustainability. Horst Rechelbacher was a trailblazer in the realm of holistic beauty, advocating for a balanced and […]

Revolutionizing the world of hair color. Bringing genuine care, innovations resulting in superior product, transformative education and a profitable business model, without compromise to our planet. Brand IdentityConceptualProduct DesignPackaging DesignDesign Direction ALL WORK